PALGOU - black out M/V from nvrmnd on Vimeo.

PALGOU - black out M/V teaser from nvrmnd on Vimeo.

Film by nvrmnd
Director Sunghwi, Mingi Kang
DOP Chihoon Lim
Focus Puller Giung Seo
Gaffer Hyoshin Kim
Camera Assistant Hyunsuh Cho
Art Team Dayun Kim, Hyungi Youn
AD Hyunwoo Lee
Photographer Anthony Won
Cast Soorin Nam, Naquan Earp
Hair & Makeup Artist Ranhee Park

A dictionary definition of the term ’nevermind’ is not to bother, not to worry about. In other word, one’s choice cannot be distinguished between right and wrong, rather every decision can be considered as different existence of possibilities. nvrmnd is a creative-contents studio, which designs and creates video arts and graphic contents based on artworks. We are not limited to only certain type of media, but we rather strongly aim at the collaborations with diverse art-fields. Meanwhile, we pursuit experimental, highly-individual and continuous artworks.