ArtistㅣJungwon, Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Niki
Concert Creative DirectorㅣHyejeong Eum(HYBE360)
Assistant DirectorㅣKeemhyun
ProducerㅣJoowon Kim
Line ProducerㅣDonghyun Kim
Production AssistantㅣChanwon Hwang, Mingu Do, Seungjin Han, Seokjin Koh, Dongsik Chung, Siyeon Nam
Director of Photography | Chihoon Ihm
1st Assistant Camera | Kwangmo Kim
2nd Assistant Camera | Jeongpil Ho
3rd Assistant Camera | Jaehoon Jung
Data Manager | Gaeul Park
GafferㅣHoonho Kwon
1st Lighting AssistantㅣDaejin Kim
2nd Lighting AssistantㅣJihyun Choi
3rd Lighting AssistantㅣMinseo Kim
4th Lighting AssistantㅣJaeyoung Han, Taehyun Nam, Kungjin Nam
Floral Set DirectorㅣKim.Taehee.Kim
Floral Set AssistantㅣJeongmin Lee, Hyeshin Lim, Yunmin Nam, Eunjae Jang, Jaedong Yoon
EditorㅣHakhyun Lee(SOHO)
ColoristㅣYechan Shin
VFX SupervisorㅣKyungmi Sohn(SOHO)

A dictionary definition of the term ’nevermind’ is not to bother, not to worry about. In other word, one’s choice cannot be distinguished between right and wrong, rather every decision can be considered as different existence of possibilities. nvrmnd is a creative-contents studio, which designs and creates video arts and graphic contents based on artworks. We are not limited to only certain type of media, but we rather strongly aim at the collaborations with diverse art-fields. Meanwhile, we pursuit experimental, highly-individual and continuous artworks.