[Alpecin] 머리칼에 수비력을 더하다, 알페신 카페인 샴푸, DIR ver from nvrmnd on Vimeo.

ModelㅣMinjae Kim
Creative DirectorㅣDonghyuk Kim
Productionㅣnvrmnd, Rover
Executive ProducerㅣSeongjae Kang
Assistant DirectorㅣKeemhyun
ProducerㅣArrum Jo
Local Production Service Companyㅣ
Hamburger Pictures
Executive ProducerㅣKane Park
Production ManagerㅣEddie Chebbi
ProducerㅣChristopher Zitterbart
Production CoordinatorㅣSaskia Veigel
Director of PhotographyㅣChihoon Ihm
1st Camera AssistantㅣKwangmo Kim
2nd Camera AssistantㅣLudwig Barth
Data ManagerㅣJosua Kühn
Key GripㅣClemens Bachmann
Best GripㅣRalph Mahr
GafferㅣMarc Wassmann
Lighting Best BoyㅣToni Müllner
Pult OperatorㅣPhilippe Manthey
StylistㅣSinae Bong
Hair & Make-up ArtistㅣMarion Kochs-Kemper
Edit Post Productionㅣ25POST
NTC Post ProductionㅣELIOT
2D VFX Post ProductionㅣBRED23
Sound Post ProductionㅣGhost Buster

A dictionary definition of the term ’nevermind’ is not to bother, not to worry about. In other word, one’s choice cannot be distinguished between right and wrong, rather every decision can be considered as different existence of possibilities. nvrmnd is a creative-contents studio, which designs and creates video arts and graphic contents based on artworks. We are not limited to only certain type of media, but we rather strongly aim at the collaborations with diverse art-fields. Meanwhile, we pursuit experimental, highly-individual and continuous artworks.